Mobile App Overview and Tutorials

If you can’t be in front of your platform all day then why not bring it with you? Meet the tastytrade mobile platform where you can manage your positions anywhere with a cellular or wifi connection! Let’s take a gander at the mobile platform so you can sell strangles whether you’re stuck in class or an “important” business meeting.

In a hurry and want to get a quick low down instead? Then please visit our Mobile Platform Quick Guide to view video tutorials by clicking here.

Continue below to learn more about:


*Please note: Your Android device will need to run Oreo (8.0) or greater but Android 10 or greater is recommended. Your iOS device will need to run iOS version 13 or greater but iOS 14 or greater is recommended. Please click here for more information about the technical requirements and updating your device's operating system. 

Sometimes things are easier to explain with pictures. That said, beneath each written description is an animated image. If there is more than one step involved, you can go at your own pace using the navigation bar. The navigation bar is located below the animated image (an example displayed below). To advance to the next animated image, click the right arrow, or to return to the previous slide, click the left arrow. All animations run on a continuous loop so no need to panic if you miss anything.

Logging In

After you install the tastytrade app onto your mobile device, a login screen will greet you when launched. Please enter your username or e-mail address and password to access your account. If you manage multiple accounts, then you’ll have access to all of them after you log in.

Mobile app login screen

Navigation and Menus

Now that you’re logged in how do you get around this app? We’ve made it simple for you to access different areas of the platform. 

  1. Watchlist Selector: Displays the title of the current tab - Watchlists, Activity, tastytrade. If the Positions tab is loaded this will display the account nickname. On the Trade tab this will display the name of the underlying.
  2. Active account: This is the current active trading account selected. 
  3. Menu: This menu is fixed at the bottom of the app. Tapping the different icons will load those tabs.
  4. Filter controls: Tapping the filter icon will open up controls you can adjust. On the Trade tab the filter will allow you to switch between trade modes.  
  5. Connection indicator: This indicator displays your connection status to our services. Green is connected, yellow or blinking yellow signals the app is attempting to connect and red means the app is not connected.

Switching Accounts

Do you have more than one account? Switching accounts is a snap. You can view account details, quickly switch between accounts, and reach the setting menu by tapping the account icon listed on the application's top left corner. Once you tap the account, a menu will slide out from the left side of the app. 

Animated example of opening the account/app menu

Viewing Account Details

Once in the accounts menu, you can tap on any account icon to view the details of the account.

  1. Account name: This is the nickname for the selected account. To learn more about changing the account nickname please click here.
  2. Accounts list: All accounts associated with the username/login
  3. App utilities: Access to the tastytrade Help Center, App Settings and Log Out button
  4. Account number: Account number for selected account
  5. Account details: Net Liq, P/L and other account data related to the selected account.
  6. Active Trading Account: Small white T-Shield is located next to the active trading account. Also there is a button/label at the bottom of the screen which also displays that the account being viewed is  the active trading account. 

Viewing Accounts Overview

Also, you can get a quick overview of all of your accounts by tapping the Overview icon.

  1. Username: tastytrade username
  2. All accounts view: When this is selected, you will see a brief recap of all your accounts.
  3. Account nickname: tastytrade account nickname

Watchlist tab

Accessing Watchlists

To access other watchlists, tap the watchlist dropdown, located at the top center of the app. Additionally, you can view watchlists using: List view or Grid view. You can also lineup trades from the watchlist by tapping on a symbol.

Animated video toggling between watchlist Grid and list view


Customizing Watchlist View

You may view other columns in your watchlist in list view by swiping left or right in the quote area. You can customize your column view by tapping the gear icon, located on the top right-hand corner of the watchlist window. To add columns, tap and drag a column field icon along the "Available" column, located along the left-hand side of the window, to the “Current” column to display the selected field. You can customize the order by tapping and dragging each column field in the order you'd like to view them. Lastly, to remove a column field, tap and drag it back to the “Available” column.

Animated example of editing watchlist columns

Creating A New Watchlist

To create a new watchlist tap on the "Edit" button at the top of the watchlist window, then select "Manage Your Lists" also at the top of the window. Enter the name of your new watchlist and then tap on the green plus button to create.

Animated example of editing watchlists

Adding Symbols to a Custom Watchlist

You can only add symbols to custom watchlists. First, access your custom watchlist from the drop-down menu at the top of the watchlist window. To add a symbol to a custom watchlist, tap the cog on the top of the watchlist window to access the List Setup menu. You can add a recently used symbol populated in the list below or type a symbol. When typing a symbol, you must validate the symbol below. Once chosen, tap the blue add button below. 

Animated example of adding symbols to a watchlist

Deleting a Symbol from a Custom Watchlist

To delete symbols, tap the "EDIT" icon located at the top of the watchlist window. Just tap the red trash can symbol and the symbol will be removed from your watchlist. When complete, tap "DONE" at the top. 

Animated example of removing symbol from watchlist

Watchlist Filtering and Sorting

Watchlists can be filtered to display or omit stocks with upcoming earnings. Tap the Filter icon , located in the Top right-hand corner. You can also filter by IV rank by moving the slider to establish a range. Lastly, you can sort symbols in alphabetical order, price change amount, percentage change amount, last price, and by IVR in ascending or descending order.

Animated example of filtering watchlist

Customization Menu Redesign

To add or remove columns to the Positions Tab, Watchlist Tab or Trade table, first tap on the gear icon to enter the Configure Columns screen. Tap the Edit Table Columns button at the bottom of the screen to open the Table Options menu. Scroll through the list to select the columns you want to add or remove by tapping on the item. When you are finished making your selections, tap on the Save & Reorganize button to save the changes. Tap Back in the top left corner to exit the customization menu.

Note: If you add or remove columns from the Table Options menu, you must tap the green Save & Reorganize button to save changes.

Animated guide to adding columns on the Watchlist tab

To rearrange the columns into your desired order, first tap on the gear icon. From the Configure Columns menu, tap and hold then drag the item to rearrange the order. When you are finished tap Back in the top left corner to exit the menu. Please see the animated guide below.

Animated guide to rearranging columns on the Watchlist tab


You can reset the table options to their default settings by tapping the button Reset to Default. Tap the gear icon to enter the customization menu. Tap the Edit Table Columns button at the bottom of the screen. Now tap Reset to Default. Then you must then tap Save & Reorganize to save the changes.

Animated guide to resetting the default columns on the Watchlist tab

Viewing Quote Information & Charts

On the Watchlist tab tap on any symbol to open the Symbol Details Overview menu from the bottom of the app. Swipe up on the menu to expand the window. Then tap on each heading to see a chart, quote details, upcoming events (if there are events such as earnings announcements or dividends) and recent orders if you have traded this symbol. Swipe down on the menu to minimize and collapse or tap the green trade button to open the trade page for that symbol. 

Animated guide to Symbol Details menu on the Watchlist tab

On the Positions tab, tap on the area to the right of the Symbol column to open the Symbol Details menu from the bottom of the app.


Animated guide to Symbol Details menu on the Positions tab

Settings Tab

The Settings tab also features a new design. To open the app settings first open the Account Overview screen by tapping on the account in the top left corner of the app. Then tap on the Settings gear icon in the bottom left of the Account Overview screen.

 Animated guide to opening the Settings tab.

Trade Menu

Once the Settings opens from the Trade menu you can tap on each header to adjust the default settings for Orders, Stock, Option and Future trades.

Animated guide for the Settings tab Trade menu

App Menu

Tap on App in the top right corner to open the App settings. From here you can enable Privacy Mode to hide account details, Quick Login for using a PIN, Touch or Face ID, and adjust the Logout Timeout setting for the app. You can also see what version of the app you have installed on your device. Tap Back to exit the Settings and return to the Account Overview screen.

 Animated guide for the Settings tab App menu

Trade tab

Order Entry and Trade Modes

When you’re looking to get your ding (platform fill sound) on, start by entering the symbol you want to trade first. Type a symbol into the symbol field then validate below. You can quickly access recent symbols from your history beneath the symbol field.

Located immediately to the right of the symbol field are two icons. Tapping the briefcase icon lists symbols currently in your portfolio. Tapping the ribbon icon populates stocks from the “Notable Stocks” watchlist.

After validating you’ll be sent to one of three trade modes: Table mode, Curve mode, or Stock mode. You can select the trade mode you want to use by tapping the Trade Mode icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the application.

To return to symbol entry, tap the listed symbol on the top left-hand corner of the application.

Stock Mode

To create a long stock order, tap the BUY button. Or, to create a short stock order, tap the SELL button. You can adjust the price of the order by tapping and holding the price to manually enter a price or using the + or - buttons. The quantity can be changed by tapping and holding the quantity, much like manually entering a price, or using the up or down arrows.

The bid-ask spread and stock information are displayed immediately below the price and quantity entry area.

Lastly, you can select a time-in-force (TIF). Orders default as day order, but you can choose between GTC or GTD. To learn more about time-in-force, then please click here.

Table Mode

To create an order using table mode, first select to expand the expiration you want to trade in. Just like the desktop platform, tap the bid side to select your short leg and tap the ask side to select your long leg. In the animation example below, we are lining up at May 18 IWM -155/+153 short put spread. The legs of your order will appear in the order ticket below where you can adjust the price, quantity, strikes, etc. You can also view other details about each option leg, such as delta, by swiping left or right in the quote area. To customize your view, tap the gear icon, located at the top right-hand corner of the app, beneath the underlying quote.

Curve Mode

To line up a trade using Curve, first select the strategy in the strategy menu. To change between buy/sell or calls/puts, just tap each corresponding field then tap GO. After tapping GO, you can adjust your strikes by tapping the leg in the curve then dragging left or right. Your order ticket below will display your order details where you can adjust your expiration, price, view and adjust your strikes, TIF, etc.

After entering your order, tap Review and Send to review your order details. 

Positions Tab

Much like the desktop and web-browser platform, this is where you can view your trading account’s positions. If you have more than one account and want to view the positions in another account then you will have to switch accounts. To learn how to switch account, scroll back up to the “Navigation and Menus” section of this article.

Additionally, the functionality of viewing your positions listed in your Portfolio tab operates the same way as the watchlist. To learn how to customize your Portfolio tab view, please refer to "Customizing Watchlist View" section above, located under the Watchlist topic, as the overall functionality is similar.

Group or Ungroup Positions by Symbol

You can group or ungroup your positions by symbol using the slider at the top of the Positions tab. Then you can tap on the Filter button in the top right corner to filter your positions by asset class or toggle the visibility of working or closed orders. Please see the animated guide below: 

Animated guide to Grouping and filter tab on redesigned Positions Tab

Filtering Portfolio View

Here in Portfolio, you can view your account’s positions. Much like the Watchlist tab, swipe left or right to view other columns. To sort your positions, tap the Filter icon, located on the bottom right-hand corner of the application. Also, beneath each underlying, up to four icons can appear, indicating the type positions you have and the state.

Blue Ribbon

The blue ribbon draped on the symbol is listed in the “Notable Stocks” watchlist. Notable Stocks are underlyings that have one or more of the following conditions: high IV, upcoming earnings, or is trading 5% of the high/low.

Closing a Position

To close a position while you have the Group filter enabled first tap on the symbol to expand the view and show the individual options or shares. Then tap each order leg you want to close and it will be selected with a white border. Also, a menu will slide up from the bottom of the app. Tap Close Position and you will be taken to the trade page with a closing order populated. 

Animated guide to closing positions with Group filter enabled on redesigned Positions Tab

To close a position while you have the Ungroup filter enabled the process is the same. Tap on each order leg you want to close and they will be highlighted with a white border. A menu will slide up from the bottom of the app. Tap Close Position and you will be taken to the trade page with a closing order populated. 

Animated guide to closing positions with Ungroup filter enabled on redesigned Positions Tab

Managing Working Orders

To cancel or replace a working order while your positions are Grouped, tap on the symbol to expand your position and show the order legs and the working order heading. Tap on the View working order tab to open the Symbol Details Overview menu from the bottom of the app. Swipe up on the menu to expand the window. Tap on the working order to replace or cancel the working order. If you choose to replace you will be taken to the trade page and can make adjustments to the price and resubmit the order. 

Animated guide to managing working orders with Group filter enabled on redesigned Positions Tab

To cancel or replace a working order while your positions are Ungrouped, tap on the View working order tab to open the Symbol Details Overview menu from the bottom of the app. Swipe up on the menu to expand the window. Tap on the working order to replace or cancel the working order. Please see the animated guide below: 

Animated guide to managing working orders with Ungroup filter enabled on redesigned Positions Tab

Rolling a Position

Rolling a position is just as easy. Just like closing, tap the underlying group your positions will appear. Tap each leg you want to roll, then tap ROLL. You will be sent to the Trade tab where you can adjust your order details, such as expiration, price, and TIF. To roll into a specific expiration, tap the clockwise icon.

Please Note: If the same strikes are NOT available in the expiration week you wish to roll to then the platform will select the nearest strike possible. Please review your order before routing.

Once complete, tap Review & Send to review your order. If you’re ready to route your order then tap SEND ORDER.

Animated guide to rolling an options position

Activity tab

Viewing Activity Log

Are you looking to view your working, filled, or canceled orders? Then head on over to the Activity tab of the app. By default, all orders are displayed, but you can customize what you want to see by applying filters. To add a filter to your Activity tab, tap the Filter icon  , located on the bottom-right hand corner of the app. There you can isolate or combine Working, Filled, Canceled, or Other (namely, rejected orders) orders by tapping each respective button. Additionally, you may filter for specific symbols and day range (Today to 60 days back).

Now that you know how to filter down your Activity, you can quickly cancel or replace/edit an order, as well as create similar/duplicate or opposite orders.

Replacing/Editing a Working Order

To replace a working order, tap the order displayed in your Activity. Four buttons will appear, tap Replace to make changes to your working order.Please Note: ONLY the price may be changed when replacing an order. Any changes to the quantity or the strike will require entering a new order.

Canceling an Order

Just like replacing an order, you can quickly cancel an order too. Just tap the working order, then tap Cancel . The Cancel button is located on the second row and to the right of the Replace button. After tapping Cancel, a prompt will appear confirming your cancellation. Tap Yes to cancel the order or tap No to return back to your activity. Tapping Yes will cancel the order and a prompt will appear from the top of the app indicating that the order has been canceled.

Creating a Similar/Duplicate Order

Did you recently cancel an order or get filled on a recent order that you want to duplicate? You can save time from order entry by tapping Similar Order . The Similar Order feature built into the Activity tab will create a duplicate order. Just locate the order, tap it, and select Similar Order. Tapping Similar Order will line up the same order in the Trade tab where you can adjust the price and quantity.

Creating an Opposite Order

Did you just get filled on an order and want to quickly enter a closing order or vice-versa? By tapping Opposite Order , the Activity tab will line up, as the name states, an opposite order. You can quickly enter closing orders after being filled or quickly re-establish after closing an order by tapping Opposite Order.

Follow tab

Itching for a trade idea or wondering what trades our friends at tastytrade are up to? You can now follow and duplicate trades from the Follow tab on the app.

Duplicating a Follow Trade

See a trade you like in the Follow feed that you want to duplicate? All you need to do is tap on the order within the feed to expand and view the order. There, a DUPLICATE button will appear to the left of the order. To duplicate, tap the button and accept or decline the disclaimer. If you decline the disclaimer, you will return back to the Follow feed. If you accept then the Follow trade will populate into an order ticket where you may adjust the trade to your liking and then route it.

Adding/Removing Follow Traders

Do you fancy trades from Ryan, but no so much from Dr. Data? You can omit traders from your Follow feed by tapping TRADERS, located on the top right-hand corner of the app. Inside TRADERS you can get to know each trader by viewing a short video about each trader (if available) by tapping the playhead icon , located at the end of each follow trader. To remove or add traders, tap the FILTER icon . The playhead icons will turn into an ‘X’ or ‘+’. Tapping the ‘X’ will remove a trader and tapping the ‘+’ will add the trader. Once completed, tap the Filter icon once again to finish up.

Filtering and Sorting Follow Trades

Looking for a specific trade? You can sort your Follow feed by symbol, opening or closing trades, date, or by a trader. First, you’ll need to access the Filter menu by tapping the Filter icon, located on the bottom right-hand corner of the app. The animated images below illustrate how to customize your Follow feed.

Technical Requirements


Your Android device will need to run Oreo (8.0) or greater but Android 10 or greater is recommended. If your Android device is not running Android 8.0 you may be able to update the operating system on your device. 

Please click here to learn more about updating your Android operating system. 


Your iOS device will need to run iOS version 13 or greater but iOS 14 or greater is recommended. To find out which version of iOS you have installed on your device, then please click here

If your iOS device is not running iOS 13, then you may be able to update the operating system on your device. To learn how to update your iOS software, then please click here.

The following devices support iOS 13:

  • iPhone 6S and up
  • iPhone SE
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Air 2 and up
  • iPad 5 and up
  • iPad Mini 4 and up
  • iPod Touch 7

Not sure which device you own? Please click here to find the model of your iOS device. 

If you own supported devices and you want to run the tastytrade mobile app, then you’re in luck! Just make sure that it is running at least iOS 13.

Please note: The tastytrade mobile app is built for the iPhone. The app will run on an iPad, but it is not optimized for tablets and may not provide the best user experience. A dedicated iPad app is currently in development.
