Locate the Ex-Dividend Date (Quote Details)

Underlyings that publish an ex-dividend date (ex-date for short) and a dividend amount* are located in the Quote Details. To learn more about ETF dividends and why an amount is not listed, please click here.

Desktop Platform

The ex-date and amount, if published, are located in the right-hand sidebar of the desktop trading platform. Below is an expanded example of the Quote Details. For more information about the right-hand sidebar, please click here.

Ex-Div Date on Desktop Platform

Web Browser Platform

Similar to the desktop trading platform, the ex-date and amount, if published, can be found in the right-hand sidebar of the web browser platform. If the right-hand sidebar is not visible, then it may be hidden. To view, click, located on the top right-hand corner of the browser page.

Ex-Div Date on Web Platform

Mobile Platform

You can view quote details of a stock or ETF in a couple of different areas, first by tapping the symbol in a watchlist. The quote details will appear from the bottom and list the ex-date and amount if published.

Ex-Div Date on Mobile Platform