Setting up Autotrade (Per Trade)

Did you sign up for a trading newsletter that provides an autotrade service and want to link it with your tastytrade account? If you have a subscription to a Newsletter Service Provider (NSP) and wish to link it to your tastytrade account, please follow the instructions below. These instructions pertain to Autotrade newsletters that offer a “per trade” allocation style where you designate either a dollar amount, contract quantity, or percentage of option buying power per each trade recommendation.


Autotrade account checklist

Before enabling Autotrade, you need to have the following prepared ahead of time:

  • Open a new or designate (an existing) individual margin account or IRA (any type) account with our Basic trading level or higher. If you do not have our Basic trading level, then click here to learn how to potentially upgrade your trading level.
  • To enable Autotrade on an account, there must be no open positions, outstanding margin calls, or account restrictions. 
  • Recent deposits must be fully posted to your account's net liq and option buying power.
  • The email address used at your NSP must match the email associated with your tastytrade account to link your subscription to your tastytrade account successfully. To learn how to change the email address on your tastytrade account, please click here.
  • If you have issues linking your subscription to your tastytrade account, please reach out to your newsletter provider.
Any customer-submitted closing order in a “per trade” autotrade-enabled account will automatically set the entire position (even if the order was only for a portion of the position) to the Self Managed state. This means that you will be responsible for managing this position going forward, and it is not possible to put this position back under autotrade management. It does not matter if this order fills or not, simply sending a closing order on an autotrade position results in the Self Managed state for the entire position.

As a precautionary measure, all autotrade-enabled accounts are set to closing-only to prevent the routing of any opening orders. If you plan on trading on your own in another account, please be aware of the account you are routing trades through when sending a closing order on a similar position in a non-autotrade enabled account. To learn how to route a trade in a specific account, please click here.

How do I enable Autotrade on my account?

You can set up autotrade in a few easy steps. To get started, log in to Then select Manage at the top, and then on the left side go to My Profile→Autotrade Allocations. The instructions below go over how to set your allocation.

Location of Autotrade Allocations in Customer Account Management 



Select the newsletter service provider from the dropdown menu.

Location of the Newsletter Service Provider 



Select the model portfolio you are subscribed to from your newsletter service provider in the dropdown menu.

Location of Model Portfolios available by the NSP.

Location of Model Portfolios available by the NSP


Select the Allocation Method (Option Buying Power Percentage, Contract Quantity, or Dollar Amount) and enter the corresponding Amount. Please note this allocation is per trade (i.e. for each new opening trade recommendation). Some newsletter service providers may only offer 1 or 2 allocation methods from the 3 choices above.

Example of allocation method and allocation for an autotrade portfolio.

However, if you receive a “you have not paid for…” message, then it means that you did not purchase a subscription. If you do have a subscription, then in most cases, the email associated with your tastytrade account does not match the email used with your NSP. The email used at your NSP must match the email associated with your tastytrade account. You will need to either change the email on your tastytrade account or the email associated with your NSP. To learn how to change the email associated with your tastytrade account, please click here. If you have any issues, then please reach out to your newsletter service provider. 

Example for an unpaid or unproperly linked NSP subscription.



Select the account you wish to link. Again, you can only link an individual margin account or an IRA account, and it must have our Basic trading level or higher. Accounts must be fully funded, free of any margin calls, clear of any account restrictions, and have no open positions before becoming eligible for autotrade enrollment.

Link account to Autotrade allocation

Just a friendly reminder that any customer-submitted closing order in a “per trade” autotrade-enabled account will automatically set the status of the entire position to Self-Managed which means you will be responsible for managing this position. It is not possible to put an autotrade position back under autotrade management after electing to Self-Manage it. If you plan on trading in another account and want to learn how to route trades in a specific account, please click here.



In the final step, customers are required to review the two disclosure documents. While these documents do not need to be physically signed and returned, they must be viewed before proceeding. Marking the checkboxes for the Limited Trading Authorization and SEC Investor Alert agreements will open new tab within the browser to view, save, or print the documents. After reviewing them, navigate back to the initial tab to continue setting the Autotrade allocation. Once all three boxes have been checked, the green ‘Submit’ button will be active. An email confirmation will be sent upon successful allocation setting.

Location of disclosure documents required for review.

If you are subscribed to multiple portfolio strategies from the same NSP, you can set allocations for them by repeating this process for each subscription.


Autotrade enabled accounts will have an AUTO icon listed beneath the account number in the Accounts pane, as illustrated below. To learn how to give your account a nickname, please click here.

Example of the Autotrade icon listed beneath an account number.



To disable an autotrade allocation to your account, please log in to and then select Manage at the top, and then on the left side select My Profile → Autotrade Allocations. Then, click the Manage Allocation(s) tab, and then click the red X next to your allocation. After successfully submitting this request, you will not receive any autotrades (opening or closing), so you must remember to manage any remaining positions from autotrade. You can email if you need assistance in closing the remaining autotrade positions (for no additional charge).

Disabling Autotrade Allocation for Per Trade Allocation

Disabling Autotrade does not cancel your paid subscription with the Newsletter Service Provider. Instead, it will only disables the Autotrade allocation service. To fully cancel your paid subscription, please contact your newsletter provider. After you disable your Autotrade service, you are responsible for managing all remaining positions (they will all be in the Self-Managed state after disabling Autotrade).




To modify an Autotrade allocation to your account, please log in to and then select Manage at the top, and then on the left side select My Profile → Autotrade Allocations. Then, click on the “pencil” icon next to your allocation. After successfully submitting the request, any new opening autotrades will use the new allocation. 

Modifying Per Trade Autotrade Allocation

Modifying Per Trade Autotrade Allocation

How to Self Manage an Autotrade Position 

There are 2 ways to elect to Self-Manage an Autotrade position: by sending a closing order on any portion of an Autotrade position or by clicking the Self Manage button next to the position on the Manage My Profile Autotrade Allocations Manage Autotrade Positions tab.

  1. Sending a closing order on some or all of the autotrade positions will mark the entire position as Self-Managed. It does not matter if this order fills or not, or if it was only a portion of the position. If any closing order is sent on an autotrade position, the entire position becomes Self-Managed, and it is impossible to put the position back under autotrade management.
  2. You can also login to and then select Manage at the top and then on the left side select My Profile Autotrade Allocations. Then, select the Manage Autotrade Positions tab, and then click the Self Manage button next to the autotrade position you wish to self-manage. Please note that after submitting this request, you will be responsible for managing this position, and it is not possible to put the position back under autotrade management.

Self Manage a per trade allocation

Self Manage a per trade allocation