Short Straddle/Strangle

Margin requirements for a short straddle or strangle

Only margin accounts may trade a short straddle or strangle

The margin requirements for a short straddle/strangle is the greater of the two sides' short uncovered margin requirement plus the premium of the other leg. 


*The premium received from the sale of the strangle may be applied to the initial margin requirement. 


Example of Selling a Straddle or Strangle in a Margin Account

With the underlying at $45,  

Sell to open 1 Mar 47 call at $2.10  

Sell to open 1 Mar 43 put at $1.20  


Mar 47-strike Call Margin Requirement

[((.20 x 45) - 2) + 2.10] x 1 x 100 = $910 highest margin requirement


[(.10 x 45) + 2.10] x 1 x 100  = $660


Mar 43-strike Put Margin Requirement

[((.20 x 45) - 2) + 1.20] x 1 x 100  = $820


[(.10 x 43) + 1.20] x 1 x 100  = $550


Since the 47-strike call has the highest margin requirement ($910), this makes the total margin requirement $1,030 since the premium from the put side ($910 + $120) is added to the margin requirement. The maintenance requirement for a short straddle will be calculated using the same formula. 

To view the maintenance requirement for a short call click here. To view the maintenance requirement for a short put click here.