Placing a Stock Order for Less than 100 Shares

Are you looking to buy or sell less than 100 shares of stocks? Or, perhaps you're looking to purchase 420 or 69 shares of stock? Then that’s what we call an odd-lot. In short, it’s just another way of referring to a quantity of stock that is not an increment of 100. Lining up an odd-lot trade is just like any other stock order. When adjusting the quantity using the quantity arrows in the order ticket, it defaults to round lots. Changing a stock order to a non-round lot increment requires one more step. Below are animated illustrations on how to enter a specific amount of stock on all three platforms. If you would like to adjust your default stock order quantity, follow the steps in our help article here

How to Place an Odd Lot Stock Trade

Desktop Platform

Within a stock order ticket, double click on the stock order quantity to type in a new quantity, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the amount of shares. To learn how to place a stock order on the desktop platform, then please visit our desktop platform quick guide by clicking here.

Web-Browser Platform

Within a stock order ticket, double click on the stock order quantity to type in a new quantity, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the amount of shares. To learn how to place a stock order on the web-browser platform, then please visit our web-browser platform quick guide by clicking here.

Picture of order quantity field on web browser

Mobile Platform

To change an order quantity, tap on the order quantity field, and a keyboard will appear. Type in the desired order quantity with the keyboard and then tap Done. To learn how to place a stock order on the mobile platform, then please visit our mobile platform quick guide by clicking here. To learn more about TIF, or time-in-force, during order entry, then please click here.

Animation of adjusting order quantity on mobile