Push & Email Notifications

As a tastytrade user, you can opt-in to receive order fill notifications via email and customize your push notifications.

How to Enable Email Order Fill Notifications

To receive order fill notifications via email, open the desktop trading platform and go to the Settings menu by clicking the gear. Once inside the Settings menu, select the Communications module and check the box to enable email fill notifications.

Location to enable email order fill notifications in the desktop platform settings menu.

How to Enable Mobile Push Notifications

By default, if you download the tastytrade mobile platform to your iOS or Android device, you will be set up to receive push notifications. However, if you have opted-in for push notifications on your mobile device, but are not receiving them then, then please check your mobile device's notification settings. Please follow the links below for more information.

How do I manage my communication preferences?

You can find all of your communication preference settings by logging into your account at my.tastytrade.com and going to My Profile->Communication Preferences. Click here for a shortcut. Additionally, this is where you can opt-in or opt-out of other tastytrade e-mails, such as new feature releases (marketing communications).

Please Note: Users may not opt out from e-mail notifications for trade confirmations and statements due to regulatory rules (FINRA Rule 2230).

Communications Preferences in Customer Account Management